Bushfire Volunteers Western Power grant delivers new FLIR thermal camera to Burekup Bush Fire Brigade
Bushfire Volunteers Executive Officer Darren Brown delivering a new FLIR Tic to the Burekup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade courtesy of the Western Power Grants Scheme with thanks to Chubb Fire and FLIR Australia for [...]
John Jarratt, Fiona Wood and Peter Rowsthorn launch campaign to support Bushfire Volunteers
Locals supporting local, on International Volunteer Day 2020 Big names in Australia get behind Bushfire Volunteers for awareness campaign There are over 20 000 Members of WA’s 560+ Volunteer Bushfire Brigades who use their time [...]
Time after time: Chittering ISB Reunion
Chittering Incident Support Brigade 15 year reunion December 2020 - Cr John Curtis, ISB Captain Peter Hall, ISB Life Member Paul Groves, Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Operations Jon Broomhall, Life Member Raylene Groves, Shire of [...]
Countryman: Header fires spark warning
WA’s regional firefighting units have faced their first big tests of the bushfire season, with more than 800ha of crop destroyed by blazes in the past week. Three header fires in four days burned through [...]
Farm Weekly: Bush Fire volunteers speak up
Western Australia’s volunteer Bush Fire Brigade members are being urged to share their thoughts about volunteering and rural fire management in the inaugural “Your Voice” annual survey due to close shortly. Bushfire Volunteers’ President Dave [...]
State Gov’t: New mobile app and bushfire awareness campaign aims to save lives
Association note: We note the app was built by two western australian technology companies and data is hosted by Amazon Web Services - just like our app (! Hard-hitting new advertising campaign to urge Western [...]
BNHCRC: Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook: December 2020 – February 2021
Australia’s climate is now under the influence of La Niña, and as a result the landscape and weather conditions continue to be vastly different to the previous two years. Weather conditions for the year to [...]
State Gov’t: Yanchep firefighters to get $914,000 of modern updates to fire station (VFRS)
Yanchep Fire Station will undergo significant renovations to improve facilities Upgrade part of the McGowan Government's COVID-19 recovery plan to support building and construction sectors Yanchep Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service firefighters will have a [...]
? Happy National AgDay ?
Today, we take the time to celebrate the extraordinary everyday efforts that our farmers go to and all that is good about Australian agriculture. Here's a little behind the scenes look at one of the [...]
Bushfire Volunteers: Presidents’ Tales from the road
Dave Gossage AFSM President of Bushfire Volunteers, the peak body for Western Australia’s 20,000+ registered volunteers of the Bush Fire Service, kept himself busy over the first month of the fire season, volunteering his time [...]
Been there and back again: Bushfire Volunteers President in Bencubbin
Bushfire Volunteers' President Dave Gossage AFSM at the Shire of Mount Marshall Bush Fire Volunteer Awards night November 2020 Dave Gossage AFSM, President of Bushfire Volunteers attended an awards ceremony at the community [...]
Preseason Training: Brookton West Volunteer Bushfire Brigade
Brookton West Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade November 2020 Earlier this month, Bushfire Volunteers President Dave Gossage AFSM and Volunteer Engagement Manager Alex Espey visited Brookton West Volunteer Bushfire Brigade during one of their [...]
A much needed update: Darlington Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade
After two and a half years of hard work from the community, Darlington Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade officially opened their new extension and truck bay at the Fire Station on Saturday the 14th of November. [...]
Volunteer Bush Fire Cadets on the Road: DFES Leadership camp
2020 WA Cadet Leadership Camp - L-R Mollie Wallace – Dwellingup BFB, Annette Wilson – Tom Price SES (Instructor), Morghan Sattler – Coolup BFB Earlier this month, volunteer cadets from Mullalyup, Kangaroo Gully, [...]
Bush Fire Volunteers at the forefront of Fire & Emergency Services Awards
On Saturday night, members from the Association including President Dave Gossage AFSM and Secretary Lorraine Webster attended the Fire and Emergency Awards Gala, where a number of outstanding volunteers were recognised with awards for their [...]
Perth Metro East “Your Voice” workshop – register now
Date: Tuesday 3 November 2020 Time: 6pm - 8pm Location: Perth Metro East (specific address will be provided to those attending to ensure adequate room size/catering) Open to: Bush Fire volunteers currently registered with a [...]
Gaia Resources Promotes Safety and Well-Being of Bushfire Volunteers with App Built on AWS
We are very proud to have the support of the world's largest cloud computing company, AWS. Through our 100% Australian-based developer partner GAIA Resources, Bushfire Volunteers' Essential Services App has been built on the AWS [...]
Perth Metro South “Your Voice” workshop – register now
Date: Tuesday 3 November 2020 Time: 6pm - 8pm Location: Perth Metro South (specific address will be provided to those attending to ensure adequate room size/catering) Open to: Bush Fire volunteers currently registered with a [...]
Perth Metro North “Your Voice” workshop – register now
Date: Monday 2 November 2020 Time: 6pm - 8pm Location: Perth Metro North (specific address will be provided to those attending to ensure adequate room size/catering) Open to: Bush Fire volunteers currently registered with a [...]
Albany “Your Voice” workshop – register now
Date: Saturday 7 November 2020 Time: 10am - 12pm Location: Albany (specific address will be provided to those attending to ensure adequate room size/catering) Open to: Bush Fire volunteers currently registered with a member Brigade [...]