

6PR’s Oliver Peterson interviews President Dave Gossage AFSM re Mitigation

Bushfire Volunteers' President Dave Gossage AFSM was interviewed by radio 6PR's Oliver Peterson today regarding the unusually high smoke levels over the last couple of days and the value of bush fire mitigation, including prescribed/planned [...]

Xinhua News: Chinese business community in Australia helps local organizations in bushfire recovery

The Chinese business community in Australia's state of Western Australia (WA) made donation to and help local organizations in the recovery from the devastating bushfire that hit the state earlier this month. David Sun, president [...]

ABC South West Andrew Collins interview with Bushfire Volunteers’ Sinead Burke regarding The Unpaid Professionals

ABC South West WA Drive presenter Andrew Collins spoke with our Communications Manager Sinead Burke today about the association's wonderful new podcast The Unpaid Professionals. Andrew played a short excerpt from one episode featuring Fred [...]

Interview: Oliver Peterson and Bushfire Volunteers’ President Dave Gossage AFSM regarding Wooroloo fire

6PR Perth Live presenter Oliver Peterson interviewed Bushfire Volunteers' President Dave Gossage AFSM this afternoon regarding the Wooroloo Bush Fire and the recovery effort ahead. Dave announced the association's call for an independent, fully inclusive [...]

Federal and State Gov’t: Joint media statement – Disaster assistance following Wooroloo bushfires

Disaster assistance has been made available to assist communities in the City of Swan and the Shire of Mundaring recover from the extensive damage caused by bushfires in the region this week. Assistance is being [...]

Australian Emergency Law: Employment protection for volunteer firefighters in WA

The valuable legal opinion below is courtesy of Michael Eburn, PhD and Barrister, from Australian Emergency Law Today’s question arises from the fires currently burning in the Perth Hills. My correspondent wants ‘some easy-to-understand advice [...]

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