

WA Gov’t: Volunteer Emergency Services leaders meet to prepare for busy summer

Hundreds of emergency services volunteers gathered in Perth for pre-season briefing Most comprehensive and wide-ranging pre-season forum to date, with 2019 marking the first year Marine Rescue have attended As West Australian communities battled emergency [...]

Sponsorship Opportunities: Bushfire Volunteer Recruitment Week 2020

The peak body for Western Australia's 20,000+ registered Western Australian Bush Fire Service volunteers has today declared that the first Monday in May each year will mark the beginning of its "Bushfire Volunteers Recruitment Week", [...]

Ambitious plan for world-leading Bushfire Volunteers Heritage and Education Centre

Bushfire Volunteers has today published a Market Sounding for Expressions of Interest from Local Governments, Corporations and Philanthropists for support to create our ambitious Bushfire Volunteers Heritage and Education Centre (BVHEC). The document invites contact [...]

WA Gov’t: Employers celebrated for their support of WA’s emergency services

Volunteer Employer Recognition Awards 2019 celebrates employers of emergency services volunteers from across the State Awards recognise employers paying staff for volunteer training, and donations of materials, skills and funds Almost 80 businesses, organisations and [...]

ABC: ‘Disastrous’ funding process blamed for 10-year wait on specialised SES equipment

Key points: WA's SES Volunteer Association says it has waited 10 years for better climate gear for specialist operations in WA's south SES groups say they have regular call-outs to places like Bluff Knoll where [...]

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