

We hear you: Bushfire Volunteers association consulting in WA’s Great Southern

Bushfire Volunteers President Dave Gossage ASFM met with volunteers from a number of Bush Fire Brigades the Great Southern region of Western Australia last week to discuss important issues facing our members. During the event, [...]

Support from Prime Minister Scott Morrison for our mobile App – ESVolunteers.org.au

Sadly, COVID-19 restrictions meant we couldn't progress with the big in-person celebration we had hoped to have to launch our awesome new Essential Service Volunteers mobile App. So in April, we wrote to the offices [...]

ABC: Fresh concerns over union influence as CFA boss quits ahead of controversial firefighting overhaul

Firefighting has been dogged by turf wars between Victoria's volunteers and career firefighters for years.(Supplied: CFA) As Victoria's troubled fire services are rocked by the resignation of a top fire chief less than [...]

Parliamentary Debate: Code of Conduct (Speakers: Terry Redman, Premier Hon Mark McGowan, Shane Love, Hon Fran Logan)

The following Question Without Notice and subsequent Motion were presented by the Member for Warren-Blackwood Terry Redman in the Legislative Assembly today. The QWN was answered by Premier Hon Mark McGowan and speakers in response [...]

Coles Group and Bushfire Volunteers support Shire of Dumbleyung Community Day

Bushfire Volunteers' President Dave Gossage joined volunteers from Bush Fire Brigades in Kukerin, Moulyinning, Nippering, Dongolocking and Dumbleyung, at a community breakfast held by the Dumbleyung Community Resource Centre in Moulyinning today. This informal ‘Thank [...]

SMH: ‘Some things were out of bounds’: Fire chiefs ‘gagged’ on climate change warnings to government, inquiry told

Decorated former firefighter and climate action advocate Greg Mullins says current fire chiefs have been effectively gagged from raising the bushfire risks created by global warming with politicians. Mr Mullins said he had "deep concerns [...]

WAFES Conference rescheduled until 2021 – ConEx still on!

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) has announced that the 2020 WAFES Volunteer Conference won't go ahead this year because of the challenges and uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Undoubtedly like [...]

Last 3 days – Western Power Bushfire Volunteer Grants close Monday

Time is running out for Local Government Bush Fire Brigades to submit applications for the 2020 Western Power Bushfire Volunteers Grants Program. We've already had applications from more than 50 Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades from [...]

Dwellingup Cadet team share insights and experiences with association

Cadet ninjas Colleen and Brad Warr, Police Officer Dave Harnett and some of the amazing team of cadets at the Dwellingup Volunteer Bushfire Brigade, June 2020 Bushfire Volunteers representatives visited the Dwellingup Volunteer [...]

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