

WA Gov’t: Collie’s new emergency services centre creating jobs in the South-West

Construction set to start on a new $13.4 million emergency services centre Centre officially named the Koolinup Emergency Services Centre The centre will be built by South-West based builder Perkins Builders and create 130 jobs [...]

Bushfire Volunteers / WA Farmers member forum – Merredin 19 August 2020

Our wonderful Farmer Engagement Partner, WAFarmers, have collaborated with the Bushfire Volunteers WA team and planned a number of forums in various towns across our amazing state to discuss topics relevant to your farm, brigade and [...]

Canberra Times: ACT bushfire inquiry: Volunteer firefighters call for more respect and better conditions

The Orroral Valley fire which destroyed most of Namadgi National Park also brought with it tensions between volunteer firefighters and the Emergency Services Agency. Picture: Jamila Toderas / Canberra Times The ACT Rural [...]

Keeping up with the times – Bushfire Volunteers launch social media group

Last week, the association launched our very own ‘Bushfire Volunteers – Socials, Content & Community Group,’ on Facebook. The group is dedicated to spreading awareness of the great work that Western Australian Bush Fire Volunteers [...]

Bushfire Volunteers / WA Farmers member forum – Dalwallinu 21 August 2020

Our wonderful Farmer Engagement Partner, WAFarmers, have collaborated with the Bushfire Volunteers WA team and planned a number of forums in various towns across our amazing state to discuss topics relevant to your farm, brigade and [...]

QLD Country Life: Queensland’s rural firies push for fire service restructure

Hosed down: Queensland's Fire and Emergency Services has hosed down rural firefighters' concerns, saying it is working to ensure all three services continue to grow and work together. Picture: RFBAQ A special meeting [...]

ABC: Esperance-based water bomber and qualified pilot unable to help in local bushfire emergency

Scott Mackie and his water bomber plane, which are not contracted to fly around Esperance.(ABC Esperance: Emily Smith) Key points: When four people were killed in Esperance's 2015 bushfires a coroner said the [...]

Bushfire Volunteers / WA Farmers member forum – Northam (Jennacubbine) 31 July 2020

Our wonderful Farmer Engagement Partner, WAFarmers, have collaborated with the Bushfire Volunteers WA team and planned a number of forums in various towns across our amazing state to discuss topics relevant to your farm, brigade [...]

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