As we mark the one year anniversary of the devastating Wooroloo bushfire, Bushfire Volunteers State President Dave Gossage talks to 6PR Drive’s Oliver Peterson regarding the long wait for the State Government’s review into the incident.

Click the media player below to hear the interview.

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Key Timeline

February 6, 2021

Fire officially controlled and maintained


February 11, 2021

Bushfire Volunteers association writes to Premier Mark McGowan asking for a commitment to undertake an urgent independent inquiry into the Wooroloo bushfire


February 12, 2021

Dept of Premier and Cabinet Acting Director General replies to “acknowledge” our correspondence and advise that because of the impending state election, no decision that might “bind an incoming government or limit its freedom of action” can be taken


February 15, 2021

Premier Mark McGowan tells media that there would be a “judicial inquiry” into one of WA’s largest private employers and tourism service operators


February 22, 2021

Bushfire Volunteers publishes an article to update members about its advocacy and the disappointing response from the DPC


March 5, 2021

Racing and Gaming Minister publishes a media statement committing the next Government to a Royal Commission into a license crucial to that large business


March 13, 2021

WA State Election


June 21, 2021

Bushfire Volunteers commences its own inquiry into the Wooroloo bushfire and begins accepting submissions from volunteers and members of the community


August 13, 2021

State Government announces inquiry into bushfire, to be led by Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC)


October 8, 2021

Submissions for the State Government inquiry close. Bushfire Volunteers submits the material it received from volunteers and members of the community


January 18, 2022

Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson says he has seen the final report and intends to bring it to Cabinet over the next few weeks before releasing it