Last week, the association launched our very own ‘Bushfire Volunteers – Socials, Content & Community Group,’ on Facebook. The group is dedicated to spreading awareness of the great work that Western Australian Bush Fire Volunteers do all over our state.
We’d like to welcome all volunteers who either run their brigades social media page(s), are interested in creating a page for their brigade, or who are purely interested in sharing and being involved in creating some bush fire relevant content ideas for social media.
The key purpose behind the creation of the group has been for staff from the Association and volunteers to work together to share the stories of volunteer firefighters and different stations, from all over our great state. The group is managed by the Bushfire Volunteers team and is also an opportunity to communicate directly with the Association about Brigade public relations and messaging. It is a safe space to share ideas and help Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade members from all over Western Australia work together to develop relevant and engaging content and establish connections with each other and the Association.
To find the group on Facebook, type in ‘Bushfire Volunteers – Socials. Content & Community Group,’ in your search bar or click here.
This is strictly a members-only group so we have to ask everyone to prove their identity as a current volunteer. The only means that the Association has to do this is by individual volunteers registering for and downloading our ‘Essential Service Volunteers App’ via this link:
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to our Media and Communications Manager Sinead via email [email protected] or give us a call on 1800 23 8657 ?