As the peak body for WA’s 20,000+ registered Bush Fire Volunteers, we’ve been strongly encouraged by the State Government to develop other income streams to enable us to provide better services and support to our incredible members.
But frankly, we don’t have the cash to hire the expertise we need to negotiate and sign the first few big corporate sponsorships.
So we are asking for urgent help to get us started.
If you can “lend” us a Business Development staff member (or fund 1 x FTE) for the next 3 to 6 months, converting even just a few of the many warm “leads” we already have will generate the income required to fund the position into the future.
We just need some initial help to break the catch-22 of not having enough income to build the income we need…
These types of “secondments” are often considered an excellent professional development opportunity for the staff member involved as well as a way for the principal employer to gain valuable insight and relationships with the organisation they loan their staff member to.
We have done a heap of work developing and packaging partnerships and have a good network of supportive businesses to approach – just not enough time nor the right expertise to put the puzzle together.
The association has a very bright future ahead with massive plans to quickly step up our member services and support. We’ve already had enormous support since we announced the plan to build a world-leading Bushfire Volunteer Heritage and Education Centre, recently committed to running WA’s first ever Bushfire Volunteers Recruitment Week every May and have a HEAP of other plans and opportunities for the hundreds of companies and donors who have never been recognised for their support of our essential service.
So if you can see a win-win opportunity in helping us get on our feet by either lending us a staff member who can help us in a Business Development role (or funding one) for up to 6 months, please get in touch ASAP for a confidential discussion with our Executive Officer ([email protected] or mobile: 0498 828 232)